WAMEX Data Centre Integration with DataShed5

30 August 2023
2 min read

maxgeo has streamlined the process of tapping into the WAMEX database.

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) in Western Australia offers access to a vast trove of historical drilling data and surface samples. Crucial data is extracted and seamlessly integrated into DataShed 5.

This fast and cost-efficient integration of WAMEX data into DS5 empowers clients to rapidly filter, analyse and export alongside their existing information.

The complex WAMEX data housed in the Mineral’s Database is challenging to compile and process. We at maxgeo have devised a solution that compiles this data, presenting clients with streamlined and organised data extracts in customised tables.

These tables are available in tabular format (two custom tables) and through the immersive DataShed5 map view (four map views listed below). Additionally, a comprehensive summary report is provided outlining associated data stored in MDHDB that pertains to selected drill holes and surface samples.

The following four map views are added to DataShed5:

  • Drillhole by Hole Type
  • Drillhole by Max Au ppm (or primary commodity)
  • Point Sample by Sample Type
  • Point Sample by Max Au ppm (or primary commodity)

For further information on how maxgeo can assist with streamlining the capture of WAMEX data, please contact James Vear, or click on the link below and we will be in touch.